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Keep the Pressure

Community Safety is our Priority

Keep the Pressure has one goal - saving lives by providing the tools necessary to stop life threatening bleeding. Created by Santa Clarita sisters Cambria and Maci Lawrence, this program furnishes Bleed Kits to areas of need. Funded by charitable donations, Keep the Pressure has managed to supply over 1,200 bleed kits to the William S. Hart Union High School District. Raising more than $100,000, Keep the Pressure has ensured that every public Junior High and High School classroom in Santa Clarita is equipped with these critical kits. Cambria and Maci have also pledged to provide the necessary education needed to use these tools. Future funding will ensure that Keep the Pressure can continue place Bleed Kits and to provide education to critical places in our community. Please donate now to keep our family, friends and community safe! Your donation is tax deductible per the extent of current tax law pertaining to 501(c)(3) donations.

Now offering bleed kits with the more affordable SWAT-T tourniquets

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Keep the Pressure

Protection through preparedness

We provide the tools and education so that anyone can stop life-threatening bleeding. 

YES! We sell kits at our cost!

Please email with inquiries

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